Becoming - An Installation by: Ben Phillips

May 29 - June 17, 2000 - Khyber Ballroom Gallery

Opening Reception: Monday, May 29, 7pm

In this exhibition Ben Phillips presents a massive metal structure approximately 18 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. Phillips is interested in the physical shape and form of his personal feelings and cultural beliefs. He sees his manufactured objects as the manifestation of a belief system filtered through the individual. Becoming is concerned with the perception of human intelligence in an increasingly artificial world. Phillips has been interpreting the subjective qualities of the human mind,"potential, co-operation, memory" and the ways in which they interact to form the individual. This interpretation has resulted in the complex structural mass of rusted steel on view in the Ballroom Gallery.
Ben Phillips is a recent graduate of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design with a major in sculpture. He has exhibited in Halifax and Moncton. He lives and works in Halifax.


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